I shunned the thought that the nature of 'self' came from labels - job/career, education level and institution, family position, hobby.
It's much like those certain types who might say "Oooooh you're a Capricorn - well THAT explains EVEYTHING" - and you just want to punch them in the ear.
But what I have come to see is that, who I am is more about what I do than anything.
The action itself, the performance of the action by the human body and the nature with which it is done... THAT is what defines me. And therefore, I am defined and redefined in every moment.
The exchange of energy from universal to mental to physical to kinetic - transferrable between nonmaterial and material things. Action and reaction. Universal energy in the material world with our minds and bodies as conduit. What an incredible thought.

Intention without action is a wasted energy and words without action are merely words. A most powerful love can come from the committment to build a house, or to work 12 hour days to pay for education - perhaps THIS is where the substance is? Perhaps THIS is stronger than any poem or promise or doing the dishes now and again.
So is the action of love is greater than the word? The intention is perhaps eveything. Action is vital. It seems to me that to create the intention, state your word, follow your word and take your word into action with intention as the fire to drive - this is something powerful.
Words are addictive. To hear the love song that sends your heart a flutter. To hear the passionate utterances of lust - these are all the cake of meaning. Sweet to taste but will rot your teeth in the end. Dealings with my own addictions, but it seems I have strong teachers who live in action, who know that love is action.
I am sorry for every broken promise. For every vocalised intention which was never acted upon and was left floating in that almighty bog of uncertainty. I am grateful to be learning to see that the intention behind every action, is love. And I will endeavour to live my life, loving through action instead of words. That is who I want to know myself as - a woman of my word and loving intention.
And who I am seeing, is a wordsmith who can bedazzle but finds it difficult to act.
Lucky I have time.