September 9, 2011

I see me

Ok. So I told you a lie today. It wasnt a lie, as such, it just kinda came out all wrong. And in retrospect, I understand now that it wasnt what I meant.

So I told you that I am waiting for that being to emerge. The one that you were able to so easily access when you were on the essences. Thats not true. I was honoured to see her and delighted for you to be able to have that experience, but she is not who you are, nor is she who I think you want to be.

What I meant to say was... was something I havent said before... Im not sure what it is or what it might sound like. Its something like... I am excited by who you are becoming. Watching you face your physicality is a powerful and difficult journey, I just hope you dont miss the rest of the picture... your other dimensions.

You are damaged. Yes, ok, we all are. But the difference is, I care about YOU... not everyone else. I know your history, some of your past experiences... and I cant help but let you know that I hope you really get to the nuts and bolts of you.

So much of what we do is based in fear, sadness and grief. Today I understood how completely pissed off at the world you are - its people. I saw your grief at a dying planet and your resentment at being human. ...

I have that too. It is only recently that I have really recognised it as a very real fear of the future, hatered of mankind and resentment that I was born into this body, at this time, feeling angry and ohh so very helpless. Put simply - it sucks.

I wasnt wrong when I said that I want peace for you. I see underneath your rage a glimpse of the potential for peace that you had all those years ago, in that moment, at that time.

Its OK to be sad at whats happening, to be enraged, to feel helpless. Its OK to recognise it, feel it and allow it to pass. Letting it pass won't mean its gone, just that your experience of it has.

The grief is part of who you are, as it is me. Its the part that says "I want a better world. I want people to get along and respect eachother, I am part of the earth and she is me. Yes, I AM sensitive. And yes, I am a Warrior. I stand in the face of all those things and I will feel, and let go. But I will NOT hide anymore".

The grief and rage will come back. Its what you do with it that matters. What you put it into - like composting newspaper - turning bad news into good news. :)
Action is the most important thing. It's the ONLY thing.

Do-ing is where peace lives.

I can feel your rage. I can feel your fear and your sadness. And it doesnt frighten me. It gives me hope. Fuck BEing peaceful. Lets be enraged and put that into PEACEful action. Loving ruthlessly, Releasing old shit, taking out the garbage... and above everything FORGIVING. Fuck it! Lets slosh forgiveness around like wine.

You are an extraordinary being. The intensity of your love for your planet and the people in your life is incredibile. Its time to use that love to cut old ties, to forgive. The being using that love as her tool, as her power... the woman who is fighting to get through the mess of the world which is the mess within herself. That is who I saw today. That is who I am excited about getting to know all over again.

That is the part of you who is in my heart. And, finally, she is the part of you who will NEVER leave you. x

The End. :)

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